At one time or another we all need some good Business Networking Tips.
Most business owners have been to a networking event at some time or other, looking for new business, new contacts, new ideas.
And there are some very simple steps to getting much more value from the time invested in this activity . . .
And the first of these Business Networking Tips is not all that unique . . .
Be Prepared
Well, that is quite simple really!
Or so it would seem.
And yet countless people go to Business Networking Breakfast meetings and other events . . .
without the slightest bit of preparation
Make a list of what YOU need to take and check it the day before to be prepared.
What’s going to be on that list?
- Any promotional material that might be appropriate
- Business Cards
- Flyers
- Product Samples
- Door Prize
- Presentation Notes
English: High Speed Business Networking Event (Paris, 2006) by JCI Français : Événement de rencontres d’Affaires à très haute vitesse (Paris, 2006) par la JCI : action de parrainage des jeunes chefs d’entreprise avec l’association EGEE (Entente des Générations pour l’Emploi et l’Entreprise). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
All of these are important, but I am still amazed that people go to these events without any, (or enough), business cards.
In another post, we will discuss that Business Networking is NOT just about handing out the most business cards.
But not giving people a way contact you after you have made some connection is just giving away opportunities.
SO . . . if nothing else . . .
remember to take a good supply of business cards
And because it can be easy to forget, leave a supply of them:
- in your car
- in your briefcase
- in your handbag
- in your wallet
- in your iPad cover
Create a reserve supply.
Well, that really is quite simple!
What should you do now?
- Create your reserve supplies of business cards now.
- And then they are there when you need them.
- Want some help or ideas? Just contact us at Hotpink Websites now.
My own business always bores me to death; I prefer other people’s.
~ Oscar Wilde
Remember – Business Networking Tips
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Business Networking Tips
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