Hotpink Websites

Hotpink Websites
Hotpink Websites - gold coast web design

Monday 29 July 2013

Check your domain name expiry date

OK . . . so this one has come up again . . . CHECK your domain name expiry date.

We manage domain names for our clients.

But if your website provider does not do that for you, then you must check up on this yourself.

5910411419 b17af89773 m12 The problem will likely be that . . .

you registered the domain name with an email address that you no longer use.

So when they send out the renewal reminders, you do not get the reminder and the domain name expires.

And you end up with . . .

  • – no website

  • – no emails

Your domain name registration is the lifeline of your online presence.

It tells the internet where to find your web pages to display.

It also routes your emails to and from your email program.

When the domain name registration expires, none of this can happen.

No grace period

The renewal reminders are sent to you by email up to 90 days in advance of the expiry date.

So after that they give no grace period.  Everything disappears instantly.

Not sure how to check this?

Just use the “How Can I Help You?”  panel in the right hand sidebar of our website and we will help you.

You should check:

  1. the expiry date and note it in your diary

  2. the email address for notifications and change it if needed


What should you do now?

  1. If you are a Hotpink Websites – just RELAX !

  2. If not, then check up on your domain name NOW !

  3. Want some help or ideas? Just contact us at Hotpink Websites now.



I’ve got more important things to think about. I’ve got a yogurt to finish by today, the expiry date is today.
~  Gordon Strachan

Remember – Check your domain name expiry date



Check your domain name expiry date

Sunday 14 July 2013

Business Networking Tips 11

Networking is WORKING.Ask anyone in business who uses networking successfully and they will tell you that . . . ...

Business Networking Tips 11

Networking is WORKING.

Ask anyone in business who uses networking successfully and they will tell you that . . .


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It is WORK !

And not only is it working, but it is about working.

While it can and should be fun, it is also WORK.

If you have made networking one of your marketing strategies, then it is part of your job description.

Something that you should take very seriously.

Learn as much as you can about it.

Become proficient with it.

Apply it diligently.

It is not a free ride to new business.

Done properly, it is work . . . and as such, it can be very rewarding.

There are many good resources available, including other posts on our blog.

Use the search option on our website, or look in the menu area.

A little known sales fact is that many people need on average 6 touch points before making a buying decision.

And that buying decision might not be to buy from you, but to refer you to their network.

So that is why consistency and application in networking are important.


It’s all about the Communication.

Well, that is quite simple really!


What should you do now?

  1. If you want success, be willing to put in the effort.

  2. And then apply it consistently.

  3. Want some help or ideas? Just contact us at Hotpink Websites now.



Every major achievement is almost always preceded by years of toil, hard work, failure, stress, tests of character, determination, sleepless nights… All of which help form the network of roots that can then support real accomplishments.
~ anon

Remember – Business Networking Tips 11


Business Networking Tips 11

Thursday 11 July 2013

Sooner or later

Sooner or later

Sooner or later every business owner needs to change or update their website.

So this blog post is a simple invitation for you to . . .

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Newspaper sea blue (Photo credit: NS Newsflash)

connect with Hotpink Websites by subscribing to our email newsletter.

If you already receive our email newsletter, then thank you for joining us.

You are already keeping up to date.

If not, then please complete either:

  1. the 21 Day Marketing Course form , or

  2. the How Can I Help You form

that appears in the right hand sidebar and you will receive our weekly updates on subjects relating to:

  • websites,

  • the internet,

  • technology,

  • businss,

  • marketing

  • etc

Every email newsletter you receive from us has an unsubscribe link, so that you can leave at any time if you find the content is not relevant to you.

Well, that is quite simple really!


What should you do now?

  1. Click on the Subscribe panel top right of our website.

  2. And make sure that your website has one of these too.

  3. Want some help or ideas? Just contact us at Hotpink Websites now.



If a newspaper is ten times more interesting when somebody across the table is reading it, does the same apply to emails?
~ anon

Remember – Sooner or later


Sooner or later

Wednesday 10 July 2013

When cheap is not best

Here is another instance of when cheap is not best – when cheap actually costs more.Our client had previously ...

When cheap is not best

Here is another instance of when cheap is not best – when cheap actually costs more.

Cheap Thrills4

Our client had previously created a website and business cards, etc using a free online company that does those things. 

You know that one that I am talking about!

The clients entire brand had been developed, and now revolved around, graphics easily and cheaply available on this website.

But when they decided to move their website to a more sophisticated and up to date solution, they hit a stumbling block.

The images used in their logo are copyright to that company, (fair enough), and could not be used anywhere else at all.  They asked and were told NO!


Luckily, our graphics team was able to come up with some designs that were close, but sufficiently different to the original.

In fact, I am proud to say that the client and some other people have said that the new designs are much better.

But it did create extra work and extra cost for the client, as well as some discontinuity in their brand.

AND, it took 3 weeks for that company to release their domain name back to our client . . . which delayed the launch on their website by 3 weeks.

Well, that wasn’t simple really!  But it all worked out in the end.


What should you do now?

  1. Only use the free and cheap online website builders if you have no money.

  2. Go with a professional website from the start if you can.

  3. Want some help or ideas? Just contact us at Hotpink Websites now.



I won’t wear fur, never, ever. I’m an animal lover. I wouldn’t even wear faux fur. I prefer to go the cheap route and not shave my legs.
~ Bonnie Hunt

Remember – When cheap is not best



When cheap is not best

Monday 8 July 2013

Get the right professional for the job

How many times have you gone to the post office to buy stamps, (well not so much these days), or to send a parcel ...

Sunday 7 July 2013

Business Networking Tips 10

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could just turn up?

Just turn up and find an endless source of amazing new leads.

Business networking meetings rarely work that way. They are not a free lunch.

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People usually only come to them because somebody else referred them in the first place, or recommended that they attend.

SO . . .

  • You should expect to be doing some of the work.

  • You should expect that you need to invite people to the group.

  • You should expect that the growth and success of the group is as much your responsibility as anybody else’s.

And ironically, the more that you do contribute to the group in this way, the more you will be appreciated and valued by the rest of the group.

And ultimately, you will get more out of the group yourself.

Think of bringing a guest as being part of your admission to the event.

I was going to make some waiver about not needing to contribute if you are paying a premium fee to attend a networking event.

Quite frankly, that is rubbish as well.

Even in groups where the membership costs $1000 or more per year, you are still expected to invite new members.

And because the group is made up of individual people like you, it is because of you that other members and people are attracted to the group.

So . . .

Think of a business owner right now, and invite them to the next networking event that you attend. Ring them right now.

Not everyone will say yes.

But if you can invite one per week, you will make a substantial contribution to the success of the group you attend.

And a successful group really means success for you as well as a member of that group.

You wouldn’t hold a party or a wedding without inviting people . . . so why go to a networking event without inviting someone.

Well, that is quite simple really!


What should you do now?

  1. Invite someone to the next event you are attending.

  2. Want some help or ideas? Just contact us at Hotpink Websites now.



I define Leadership as an invitation to greatness that we extend to others.
~ anon

Remember – Business Networking Tips 10


Business Networking Tips 10

How to find ideas for your Blog

People are always asking How to find ideas for your Blog.I encourage our client to use blog and article writing ...

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Business Networking Tips 08

Are you dealing Cards on the table or really networking?Someone told me that this actually happened . . .cards ...